Reducing CO2 Emissions in Patient Care Pathways:
Nova Hackathon 2024
In the face of global climate challenges, the healthcare sector stands at a critical juncture. The necessity to drastically reduce CO2 emissions without compromising patient care presents a complex but vital goal.
This hackathon, set against the backdrop of the prestigious Estoril Conferences, seeks to unite bright minds in a concerted effort to tackle this issue head-on. We invite university students, including PhD students, to innovate, collaborate, and pioneer sustainable healthcare solutions.
To develop innovative, scalable solutions aimed at reducing CO2 emissions across patient care pathways.
Learning and Networking: To provide a platform for students, researchers, teachers, and alumni from NOVA universe to engage with sustainability experts and professionals from the healthcare sector.
Sustainability stamp: Reaffirming AstraZeneca as a reference in sustainability in the healthcare sector.
Collaboration Enhancement: To encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among participants from different fields and institutions.
Associate AstraZeneca as a sponsor of the Estoril Conferences, being one of the contributors to the impact that this event encompasses.