Empowering Humanity: From Local to Global Justice
The XX century was filled with tragic events, but it also gave humanity the opportunity to rebuild its dignity from the ashes. In a world where information circulates at the speed of light, local problems have become global. And with a continuous flow of ideas connecting people all over the world, it is now inconceivable for a nation to project its future in isolation. More than focusing on the relationship between States, a global approach to justice must largely focus on individuals – not only their inalienable rights but also their binding duties towards one another. Our purpose will be to unveil what lies at the core of human interactions of any kind, including state-level obligations, within countries and beyond borders.
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Estoril Conferences, the 2019 edition yearns to synthesize and bridge the dominant challenges posed by globalization in the last decade, revisiting the way we have approached them through the years. Thus, the Estoril Conferences promoted the dialogue between theory and praxis, ethics and politics, past and future, seniors and youngsters.