
Youth integrity initiative challenging corruption


Too easily, leaders use their own anti corruption calls to win power that fails to deliver, or again results in abuse for personal or political gain. Too often, community and professional voices are ill-equipped to influence these narratives, struggling to realise broad support among the people and stakeholders for the key principles that will see corruption expelled and not return – that checks, balances and division of power are central to good governance, and that the purpose of entrusted power is its exercise for the common good. For protecting the common good, TI aims to reinforce the ability of civil society to drive accountability through political, legal and everyday social actions. Youth is a core feature of TI Strategy 2030 since corruption undermines the power of the young people by violating their basic political, economic and social rights. Transparency’s International Youth Integrity Initiative (YII) is a movement lead initiative, collectively working on building youth integrity and engaging Youth on all areas of TI’s work. During this session, participants discussed pathways for developing and inspiring a next generation of civic, public and business leaders better equipped to fight corruption.


1. Introducing TI Youth Integrity Initiative (YII) Karina Carvalho, TI Portugal, (10-15 min)
2. Youth Integrity Initiative in practice (45 min-1h)

  • Future Anticorruption Business Leaders, Laurence Fabre, TI France (15 min) + Q&A
  • Academia & Anticorruption Collective Action, Deimante Zemgulyte, TI Lithuania (15 min) + Q&A

3. Challenging corruption – Exercise (30 min)
4. Final messaging (Oya Özarslan, TI Board Member)


Max. 30


2 hours




Karina Carvalho

TI Portugal


Laurence Fabre

Head of Integrity for the Private Sector and Higher Education Programs


Deimantė Žemgulytė

Project Leader at Transparency International Lithuania


Oya Özarslan

TI Board Member


Karina Carvalho

Karina Carvalho is currently the Executive Director of Transparency International Portugal, the Portuguese chapter of Transparency International (TI), the global anti-corruption coalition, where she also serves on the Membership Accreditation Committee. Graduated in Sociology at the University of Coimbra, she continued her advanced studies in Globalization, Development Cooperation, Migrations, Inter-Ethnicities and Transnationalism and is now concluding a Master in African Studies at Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon. In 2017, Karina obtained the SCCE Business Compliance & Ethics Professional (International) certification.

Before joining TI Portugal, she worked as expert in HRM and Human Capital and developed consultancy projects in many and different fields, from education and training to gender mainstreaming, organizational capacity building, internal communications, social responsibility, corporate governance, and entrepreneurship, for companies and NGOs in Portugal and Angola.

Laurence Fabre

Laurence practiced as a lawyer in business criminal law. It leads the program relating to the integrity of economic actors. She steers Transparency France’s partnerships with private sector organizations on ethical issues. Laurence Fabre is a referent on “justice and law” issues and leads the actions on whistleblowing. She is also responsible for the Higher Education program as part of which she coordinates the awareness campaigns delivered by the organization to higher education establishments; it leads the Erasmus program of which Transparency France is a partner. Laurence also teaches business criminal law at universities.

Deimantė Žemgulytė

Deimante is a Project Leader at Transparency International Lithuania. She holds a Bachelor‘s degree in Political Science from the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University. Currently she is studying for a degree in MSc Public Policy at University of Bath.At Transparency International Lithuania, Deimantė coordinates various initiatives related to whistleblower protection, money laundering prevention, media transparency, citizen participation and inclusion, together with the team organizes annual Transparency International School on Integrity. Prior to joining TI Lithuania, she gained experience in Vilnius City municipality and in private sector working with anti-money laundering compliance.

Oya Özarslan

Oya is a board member of Transparency International, a global organization fighting against corruption, and has been chair of the Board’s Ethics Committee thereof. She is the founding chair of Transparency International Turkey, leader of the Youth Integrity Initiative in TI and has also been Co-Chair of G-20 Governance Working Group. Throughout her career, Oya has worked as an international lawyer, being recognized as well-known anticorruption, anti-money laundering, fraud, ethics and corporate governance expert, working closely with the European Commission, European Parliament, UN, OECD and GRECO, while serving multiple government offices and multinational clients.