Live Interviews

Start-Ups Challenges


Ana Pimentel, author of the book “Unicórnios Portugueses” and editorial coordinator of Lua de Papel, an imprint of Leya, interviewed Jane Hoffer, CEO of Flow, a Portuguese startup focused on sustainable mobility that uses the most advanced machine learning technology to manage financial risk for the world’s largest banks, merchants, and processors.

Main Topics

Space, green and blue economy

What’s the main challenge to an entrepreneur in a country like Portugal? In this panel we discussed the differences between the American and Portuguese markets and startups; what are the pros and cons of the Portuguese ecosystem; and the challenges in the green and blue economy and how can technology solve them. Is Portugal the right spot for a startup in these fields? Are we taking good advantage of our resources?

Fintech and sustainable finance

How can we trust the algorithms we don’t see? The cybercrime is here to stay and it’s still difficult for many people to trust the digital payments and assets and to feel their money is safe online. How can we change the mindset? What are the main risks?


Max. 30​


2 hours


Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute​


Ana Pimentel

Author of the book “Unicórnios Portugueses” & Editorial coordinator of Lua de Papel


Jane Hoffer

CEO of Daloop


Ana Pimentel

Ana Pimentel is the author of the book Unicórnios Portugueses – A história das startups de mil milhões de dólares (Portuguese Unicorns – The Story of the Billion Dollars Startups), and has hosted the Unicórnios Podcast. Journalist, editor, writer, and podcaster, she wrote about entrepreneurship and technology for several years at Observador and moderated national and international conferences such as Web Summit, Portugal Digital Summit and European Commission Initiatives. She has been working as editorial coordinator of Lua de Papel, an imprint of the LeYa group, since August 2021.

Jane Hoffman

Jane Hoffman is the CEO of Daloop. Before moving from New York to Porto, she has started and led other companies like Veniam through the stages of founding, growth, acquisition and public company exit. In the roles of President, COO, and CBO (Chief Business Officer), she has complemented the CEO and their leadership teams.