Collaborative Event

Netzero Portugal 2050: Collaboratively creating the pathway towards carbon neutrality


Carbon Neutrality is a huge challenge of the corporate world today. Following the report Net Zero Portugal, a joint effort between BCSD Portugal and McKinsey & Company, and the conclusions of the BCSD Portugal’s project Carbon Neutrality Corporate Solutions, on the 2nd of September, at Nova SBE in Carcavelos, there was a full day workshop to work on practical solutions on how to overcome the identified challenges and barriers for the decarbonization of the economies and the companies’ value chains. The workshop, fully in Portuguese, was held by BCSD Portugal and Beta-i, during the Estoril Conferences, and welcomes representatives of member companies of the Carbon Neutrality Working Group of BCSD Portugal and experts, startups and policy makers addressing this field. Additionally, there were limited slots for innovators, entrepreneurs and “shakers” selected by the organization following an open call. Students were able to attend virtually. The way forward is collaborative.


09h00 – 09h30 | Reception

09h30 – 09h45 | Net Zero Portugal study presentation (João Meneses – BCSD

The “Business Solutions for Carbon Neutrality by 2050” project, which started in May 2020, is a participatory process with a practical sectoral approach that enables and promotes collaboration, sharing of information, experiences and best practices to help companies operationalize their journey to decarbonization by 2050. It consists of 3 phases:

  1. BCSD Portugal and its Carbon Neutrality Working Group (WG) collaborated with McKinsey & Company in the study “Net-Zero Portugal: Portugal’s paths to decarbonization”, having been identified five key levers or challenges for decarbonization: i) Electrification and low carbon energy; ii) New value chains; iii) Energy efficiency and others; iv) Circularity; v) Agriculture, forestry and land use.
  2. For each of these key levers, business solutions were identified, illustrated with application cases of companies. These solutions were included in a Portuguese publication “Soluções Empresariais para a Neutralidade Carbónica até 2050: um Contributo para a Jornada de Descarbonização”, released in March 2022.
  3. This collaborative event corresponds to phase 3 of the project aiming at working on practical solutions on how to overcome the identified challenges and barriers for the decarbonization of the economies and the companies’ value chains.

09h45 – 10h00 | Timpact of innovation as a Net Zero Catalyzer (Diogo Teixeira – Beta-i)
Innovation is a strategic approach to support companies into their path to Net-Zero. It allows to unfold the future of a company focusing on processes and products on a wide term approach, considering complementary management methodologies. The challenges of the Future require collaboration, sectorial frameworks and partnerships and stakeholders involvement – require collaboratively to create the pathway towards carbon neutrality.

10h00 – 10h15 | MoC works opening

10h15 – 10h30 | Coffee break

10h30 – 12h30 | From idea to pitch – Inspirational workshop

Bringing innovative, disruptive ideas to the ground may take faith, resilience, courage, besides hard work and focus. In this workshop, we’ll be learning how to develop ideas and to bring them to life, understanding the different steps and bulletproofing the concept. With a creative approach, we’ll be guiding the workshop attendants on the process, as a tool to overcome blocking beliefs that may hold back the development of solutions to corporate challenges. Whether these are the launch of a new business area, the search for investment to implement new sustainable solutions, or even the implementation of an initiative to address the challenges of decarbonization.

12h30 – 14h00 | Lunch break

14h00 – 14h15 | Reception

14h15 – 17h15 | BCSD Portugal Net-Zero working group – agenda’s workshops (Energy & Industry | Mobility & Transportation | Residential & Services | Agriculture, Forest & Soil use | Wastes & WasteWater)

BCSD Portugal Net-Zero working group has developed a detailed report on the drivers and barriers for the upcoming years regarding the Portuguese companies Net-Zero challenges. Turning barriers and drivers into call to action and initiatives are the next steps to reach the Net-Zero ambitions pursued by the companies of the working group.
The workshops will guide the companies through collaborative facilitation methodologies tools that will support the design of roadmaps for the companies to overcome the barriers, while developing resilient strategies to face a new “green” economic mindset aimed for carbon neutrality.

17h15 – 17h45 | BCSD Portugal Net-Zero working group – agenda’s results
17h45 – 18h00 | Closing remarks (MoC and BCSD Portugal)






Foyer do Grande Auditório Jerónimo Martins


João Meneses

Secretary General at BCSD Portugal


Diogo Teixeira

Co-Founder & CEO Beta-i


Manuel Tânger

Co-Founder & Head of Open Innovation Beta-i


Ana Costa

Sustainability & Blue Economy Industry Lead


João Meneses

João Meneses is the Secretary-General of BCSD Portugal. He holds degrees in Business Administration (bachelor), Marketing (bachelor) and Development Studies (master), and executive programs from Harvard, Stanford, Kellogg School of Management, IMD, Cambridge and INSEAD. With solid management and leadership experience in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors, as well as teaching in two top Portuguese universities, he is currently the Secretary-General of the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) Portugal, a member of the Global Network of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Previously, he was general manager of a venture fund, director of two incubators (one web-tech and the other one for creative industries), Secretary of State for Youth and Sports, head of the team in charge of the rehabilitation of an historic area in the center of Lisbon (Mouraria and Intendente), cofounder and CEO of a Portuguese NGO working in Portugal and Africa, and CFO at Chapitô. He’s also Co-Founder of Festival Sónar in Lisbon.

Diogo Teixeira

Diogo Teixeira is Co-Founder of Beta-I since January 2018, and since January 2022 CEO of the company. Previously he was a founder and partner at Couture, Head of Strategy, Business Development and Client Services.With a bachelor’s in Communication Studies, before founding Couture in 2010, Diogo worked for PT Multimedia, RTP, Euronews and Euro 2004.

With a passion for entrepreneurship, Diogo is still a partner of TorkeCC, an internationally awarded creative agency, and founder of Billy The Group, a startup accelerator that invests in disruptive businesses. He is a lecturer at Catolica Lisbon School of Business Economics and frequent speaker at Innovation and Strategic Marketing conferences.

Manuel Tânger

Manuel Tânger holds an MSc in Physics from Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon which he concluded with a top graded final thesis supervised by Physics Nobel Prize Winner 1999 Gerard t’Hooft at the University of Utrecht. He started his professional career at Mercer HR Consulting, worked for Danone before becoming Brand Manager of Vitasnella.

In 2009, Manuel co-founded Beta-i, where he is a board member and Head of Future. As founder of LC Ventures, one of the most active funds in Portugal, Manuel has been supporting the early-stage startup ecosystem. Manuel is also a Singularity University faculty member, specializing in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Ana Costa

Ana holds a degree in Environmental Engineering, with a post-graduation in Business Management. Her professional path has started in the wastewater sector in Portugal, leading her to Angola to work in the O&G industry, where Ana had the chance to work with global companies (BP, KBR, Subsea 7) leading the way to find sustainable solutions to the sector with a triple bottom line approach.

Ana is the founder Baseville, a sustainable fashion brand, and co-founder of Fashion Catalyst, a fashion consultancy studio. Creating purpose centered innovation ecosystems has been one of her missions while working at Beta-i.