
Marketing with purpose: how new marketing practices can rally impact


Marketing has been displaying its relevance in the social sector as well as in companies’ CSR strategies. With the insurgence of the field, the concept of Marketing with Purpose was born. The term accounts for the marketing strategies that focus on a social cause that aligns with an institutions’ core values. In the case of traditional businesses, this develops rapport with their consumer bases through the creation of more genuine relationships grounded on shared values.


Max. 40


2 hours




Filipa Marques

NOMA’s President


Salvador Mendes de Almeida

Founder & President of Associação Salvador


Madalena Jalles

Commercial manager at Just a Change


Salvador Mendes de Almeida

At the age of 16, an accident left Salvador quadriplegic, but he never gave up.

In 2003, he founded Associação Salvador, through which he fights daily to integrate and improve the quality of life of people with physical disabilities, boosting their talents and creating equal opportunities in society.

Every year Associação Salvador support hundreds of people through direct aid, promoting integration in the labor market; stimulating the practice of adapted sports; sharing knowledge; promoting awareness actions; and many other activities.

Madalena Jalles

Just a Change is a portuguese association that focuses on combating national housing poverty. Madalena is responsible for planning and developing team building activities that Just a Change organizes, while also managing the organisation’s partnerships.

Madalena has a degree in PR and a post-grad in Hospitality Management, having working in hospitality before joining Just a Change.