
Building tomorrow’s europe from within


Ever wondered what a European civil servant does? This workshop covered the ‘why, what and how’ of an EU career. Minna Vuorio, Director of the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO), gave an overview of the unique advantages of working for Europe, the array of job opportunities and the requirements to join the EU workforce. Minna described what competences the EU looks for today and for tomorrow in candidates with a focus on the knowledge and skills that fresh graduates can bring to its multilingual and multicultural administration.

However, the presenter does not wished the workshop to be a monologue. Minna was been keen to engage and hear from the audience what are young people’s perceptions of working for the EU, what factors influence their career choices and how they believe they could contribute to promoting democratic values and building tomorrow’s Europe. A highly experienced senior manager who thrives on innovation, you can always count on Minna to share a good piece of advice and encouragement as you look ahead to making the first steps in your professional life. This session also counted with the participation of Miguel Cruz, Director of Careers & Corporate Relations at Nova SBE. A Nova University alumnus working for the EU institutions has also been invited to give some insights to the job and animate the discussion.


Max. 30​


2 hours




Minna vuorio

The Director of the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)


Minna Vourio

Since May 2020, Minna Vuorio is the Director of the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) and the Principal of the European School of Administration (EuSA). She oversees the daily running of staff selection procedures for recruiting EU institutions and the provision of top-quality training courses for their staff. A core part of her five-year mandate involves change management and the modernisation of EPSO and its underlying IT systems.

Her career in EU institutions started shortly after her home country, Finland, joined the European Union on 1 January 1995. She worked for twenty-five years in the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, starting out as a translator and reviser. In 2007, she became an open source analyst of the Joint Situation Centre which reported to Javier Solana, the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union and High Representative for EU Foreign Policy. In 2010, Minna Vuorio returned Finnish language unit as its head and moved on for six months in 2016 as head of the resources and translation support unit. As of July 2016, she became the Director of LING1, including one operational unit and 12 language units to a total of about 450 staff.

Minna Vuorio has three sons and is passionate about diversity, multilingualism and collaborative approaches to work.