
Behind the wheel of your own “model”: know the brain, explore the mind, aim and build your future!


Your emotional intelligence ability is like driving a car. You need to be in control!

Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to process information that runs through your body, mind and relationships. It allows you to balance primitive brain impulses while living in a technological society. It works as a safe base to explore the world with a certain feeling of safety. As it opens your mind and heart, you become more accepting of your fragilities and it strengthens your courage to learn and take risks.

This session was based on a deep understanding of our brain, body, mind and relationships through neuroscience, art and “mind exploring”. With neuroscience, you understand the model of your nervous system and how you can you drive it in modern landscapes. With “mind exploring” you become familiar with your mind dynamics, mind regulation and mind transforming. With neuroentrepreneurship, we invite you to build your personal or professional project having in mind your inner strenghts. With art, we move through unexplored inner territories. We use communication to strengthen consciousness when exploring inner dimensions. MINDBlackout nurtures imagination, flexibility, balance, kindness, humor, and attentiveness to a broad range of sensations, helping you learn how to drive your “model”, with a feeling of safety across unexpected landscapes and a sense that you are at the wheel of choices.

This workshop was structured in five main moments: Understand your brain (Zoom in); Exploring your mind (Awareness); Exploring inner dimensions (Words); Building your life (Aim) and Transforming your presence (Creating) in the social space.


Max. 100


2 hours


Alumni Lounge


Minnie Freudenthal

Internal Medicine Expert & Founder of Mind Blackout


Rosa Pires

Mindfulness, compassion and trauma-based psychologist


Cristina Gonçalves

Teacher & Actress


Maria José Francisco

Engineer Neuroinnovation


Rita Wengorovius

Creator, Actress & Artistic Director of Teatro Umano


Minnie Freudenthal

Minnie’s international experience and her holistic approach to medicine, has led her to integrate nutrition, clinical hypnosis and mindfulness in her practice. She is currently a Doctor of Internal Medicine, having studied and done residencies in many parts of the world, including the US, Angola and London. In addition to her consultations, Minnie has also been working with the younger generations in projects designed to empower young people’s minds.  She finds that understanding the brain and training the mind are the best strategy to prevent mental illnesses.

Rosa Pires

Life enthusiast with a twist of lightness and humor, Rosa is a mindfulness, compassion and trauma-based psychologist. Working out of the box, shifting paradigms, using anchors such as emotional intelligence, neuroscience and a bit of unknown tools, she brings fresh heart-minded perspectives and reminds companies of how to function and flourish like humans again. Also, she uses her own Psycho – Alchemic style when working in individual sessions with the bravest hearts.

Cristina Gonçalves

Currently an actress in Companhia Maior, she has been a teacher of German, English, and Portuguese for 40 years. As a teacher she realized the importance of teaching to “choose the words carefully and also the gestures”. As an actress, she discovered that it was possible to “rehearse life.” As a community member, she believes that it is urgent “to have time to say all the words.”

Maria José Francisco

With 30 years of international experience in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship, she has integrated neuroscience and emotional intelligence into her main areas of engineering. With this plurality of knowledge and some easy and practical brain-based techniques, she helps people and companies to work at their best performance, with minimum effort and maximum happiness. She loves to simplify and solve difficult problems. Humane, flexible and very, very resilient!

Rita Wengorovius

Creator and actress, master in applied creativity and artistic director of Teatro Umano, she believes in re-enchanting the world through participating arts, as a place of humanity. Through the disciplinary intersection of applied creativity, social theater and community art practices, she developed the methodology of Umano Theater and applies it to different audiences and contexts. She defends the love, plants the hope, and when she grows up, she wants to be a poet.