CEMS Video Challenge Competition

Estoril Conferences and the CEMS Alliance have come together to invite the CEMS Student community to participate in a video engagement competition focused on Technology & Ethics.

The Challenge

Technology increasingly impacts all our professional and personal lives, yet none more so than the young generations. The youth of today have only known a world in which technology is deeply embedded in all aspects of their lives and it is the generation destined to be most affected by its ever-expanding use. And while technology has created numerous opportunities, it similarly raises numerous ethical challenges, on both an individual and societal level.

This competition aimed to canvass the duality of the issues raised and explore practical resolutions, creating understanding and youth awareness about the Technology & Ethics field. It challenged the participants to come up with a detailed plan to develop an implementable ‘resolution’ and/or amelioration of the issues and ethical concerns raised.

For who?

All CEMSies (students and alumni) from the 2020/2021, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 cohorts.

How did it work?

In groups of 3 to 5 members, participants selected a specific issue within the Technology & Ethics field, to both describe and provide a detailed proposal of how to address this issue from a business and policy standpoint.


5-minute (maximum) video presentation.

A competition designed to engaged the youth

24 THAPRIL 2022
Submissions Deadline
9 TH JUNE 2022
Winners Announcement
CEMS Launch
4 TH MAY - 3 RD JUNE 2022
Jury Analysis & Selection
1 ST - 2 ND SEPTEMBER 2022
Pitch Live at Estoril
Conferences 2022
10 TH

3 RD JUNE 2022

Jury Analysis &
1 ST - 2 ND SEPTEMBER 2022
Pitch Live at Estoril
24 TH
APRIL 2022

Submissions Deadline
9 TH
JUNE 2022

Winners Announcement

The best idea was presented at the 7th Edition of Estoril Conferences

The group with the most effective and persuasive submissions was selected to personally attend the Conference in 2022 and present their proposal in person to a live (as well as virtual) audience. Travel and accommodation of the winner team was supported by the CEMS Alliance.

Technology & Ethics Sample Topics

Rapid Dissemination of Information, Development of Information Silos, Including False and/or Inflammatory Statements:

What is false (i.e., fake news)? How is the standard of true and false to be determined? What happens for example, when scientists are not unanimous? Are there concerns with accepting the ‘majority’ view? What becomes of the role of ‘dissent’ in society? What is inflammatory?

What is free speech? What is censorship? What is the role of free speech and censorship in society? Is free speech impinged when there is a monitoring of the veracity of statements? Who monitors the monitor?

What is intolerance? How do we identify it? How do we curb intolerance and rather promote respectful tolerance of a diversity of views?

The Role/Impact of Tech/AI on Humans: (i) Employment (ii) Professional (iii) Interpersonal Relations among humans as well as between humans and AI:

AI interacting with customers?

AI replacing employees?

AI empowered to make decisions affecting humans in their pursuit of ‘life, liberty and happiness’ – in law enforcement, in hiring, in assessment? With what level of oversight?

What happens when AI makes a mistake – how identify, how inform and how remedy the mistake?

Impact of AI programmers’ embedded views/ethics?

Relations Between Humans and Institutions/Corporations (public & private service providers):

Violations of employee, customer, citizen rights/dignity/privacy?

Monitoring issues

Issues related to individual’s privacy rights: E.g., What are the bounds of use of individual’s financial/ health/ professional data, including students and/or employees biometrics/ skills/ alleged past indiscretions, etc.

Issues related to government / society’s monitoring rights Issues related to corporations’ disclosure obligations: What real opt-out choice must individuals be offered by corporations?

Issues related to monitoring and enforcement: E.g., with the numerous networks/crosses of information among corporations, how to determine and assign responsibility?

*Submitting groups can select an unlisted issue that in their understanding falls into the Technology & Ethics area.

Technical Requirements / Specifications

Share your video by filling out the submission formin accordance with the following specifications:

Video Format:

Exported in MP4 format (file extention) 60 FPS (frames per second), recorded in landscape in Full HD minimum quality – 1920px (width) x 1080px (height) resolution.


5-minute (maximum) video presentation. Please allow a time of a few seconds (3 to 5) in the beginning and end of the video to carry out editing needs.

Submission Process:

All videos must be submitted and available on VIMEO to be analyzed by the jury. A link to the video should be shared via the fulfillment of the submission form available HERE. The jury will not consider videos that are not shared according to the described specifications.



Selection Process

Stage 1

All Video submissions were evaluated by a group consisting of CEMS Academic Directors, CEMS Program Managers & Corporate Relations Managers, CEMS Communication Directors, members from the CEMS Global Office, members from the CEMS Student Board, CEMS Alumni representatives and relevant CEMS Corporate Partners. Each video was assessed by at least 4 reviewers.

Stage 2

The best videos were evaluated by a Jury composed of Estoril Conference Academic Board members who are simultaneously professors in CEMS Schools, and the Estoril Conference Executive Director.

Stage 3

The group with the most effective and persuasive submission was selected to personally attend the Conference and present their proposal in the session that followed the Technology & Ethics Panel (same audience). The winning team was supported by the CEMS and EC budgets.