Fostering intergenerational Dialogue

To push the world forward

An International Conference on Global Challenges

Initiated over a decade ago

Driven by the willingness to being an educational project and a pedagogical tool to create impact in the society, the Estoril Conferences has always believed in the extraordinary role of people to change the course of history.

Established in 2009 by the Municipality of Cascais, it has bi-anually brought to Portugal some of the most prestigious world and national leaders from politics, business and universities, and civil society levels, including several Nobel Prize Laureates and Heads of State, to discuss the main global challenges the world is facing, sharing their visions and perspectives on disruptive and provocative topics, with thousands of spectators and participants from all over the world. Always keeping an active role in finding actionable solutions for positive change.

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8 Previous Powerful Editions

Uniting people from all over the world

Since 2009, seven bi-annual editions took place in Cascais, addressing the most important and global issues.

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Now, an annual event

A new chapter, the same commitment

Since 2019, Nova SBE has been the host of the Estoril Conferences in partnership with the Municipality of Cascais. In 2023, NOVA Medical School became a co-host, as the Estoril Conferences transitioned into an annual event, striving to transcend boundaries and facilitate impactful discussions that shape public discourse, both nationally and internationally.

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With several initiatives

Taking place over the course of several months

To set the tone and enrich the debates. Through our Humanity Renewed Program, we aim to empower the younger generations to engage with the pressing issues facing our world today, by providing them with the tools, skills and resources to lead meaningful and impactful lives.

Stay tuned

Join our community to think broader about key topics for our societies, extend your network with high-level leaders and changemakers worldwide, and explore new ways of partnering for concrete solutions to act as a turning point to a new era.